Welcome to ONKAR.

As ISO Certified Manufacturers, B2B Exporters, Traders, and Retailers based in India, we curate an ever-evolving collection that spans Crystals, Gemstones, Jewelry, Home Décor, Pearls Jewelry, Gifts, Candles, Pooja Items, Sea Shells & Pearls, Sages, Incenses, and Healing & Wellness Products. Our offerings invite you to explore the world with a nomadic spirit and an inquisitive heart, while our Customized Branding & Corporate Gifting services extend the essence of spiritual harmony to your professional relationships. Join us in this journey where the mystical meets the tangible, and well-being finds its true home.

Discover the Essence

Step into a realm of wonderment as you explore our exclusive collections, each meticulously chosen to resonate with your soul’s longing. From the timeless allure of Crystals & Gemstones, the enchanting elegance of Jewelry, the gracefulness of Home Decor, and the allure of Pearls Jewelry, to the thoughtful sentiment behind our Gifts, Candles, Pooja Items, and the tranquil beauty of Sea Shells & Pearls, every piece tells a story.

Nurturing the Spirit

Embrace the tranquility and wisdom that our collection embodies. Engage your senses with the soothing aroma of our Incenses, embrace mindfulness with our Sages, and create sacred moments with our Pooja Items. Our Healing & Wellness products are thoughtfully curated to foster harmony in mind, body, and spirit.

A Journey of Curiosity

Let your nomadic spirit roam free as you navigate through the treasures we’ve gathered from across the globe. Whether you’re seeking to adorn yourself with exquisite Jewelry, infuse your living spaces with positive energy through Home Decor, or embark on a journey of self-discovery with Crystals & Gemstones, ONKAR INTERNATIONAL is your gateway to an exploration that transcends boundaries.

Exclusive Offers

Elevate your brand identity and share the essence of spirituality through our Customized Branding & Corporate Gifting solutions. Our offerings go beyond material gifts; they encapsulate the essence of well-being and positive energy, making them perfect for corporate partnerships, special occasions, and more.

Join Our Journey

Embark on a voyage of self-discovery, serenity, and aesthetic appreciation with ONKAR INTERNATIONAL. Let us be your companions on this path to enlightenment, adornment, and holistic wellness.

Elevate Your Spiritual Journey

Explore a sanctuary of spirituality and holistic wellness. Our curated collection of sacred pooja items, healing stones, and aura cleansing tools is designed to empower your spiritual growth. Discover the path to inner harmony and transcendence as you browse our authentic, handpicked treasures. Find balance, peace, and purpose in every visit.


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Birth Chart

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Gem Stones

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Our Team

Jane King

Numerologist, astrologer

Rebecca Stone

Astrologer, taroter 

Lara Gold

Numerologist, astrologer

Happy clients
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Numerologists in our team
Years of experience